Trio No. 7
I cannot change the way a tree watches me walking by. She does not know that I too have immovable roots.
I cannot change the way a frog analyzes my
Trio No. 3
"Do you want more?", asked my dentist, a question he has asked hundreds of suffering men and women.
Trio No. 1
I have been told:
Red sky holds meaning.
I have been warned:
If you search for fame, you may find it.
A Girl
A girl was there. Right where you're standing now. She was a young girl. Too young to understand very many things about the world. She was homely, maybe even ugly. Her head wide at the top and narrow at the chin, but squarish on both ends. A trapezoid head, mostly forehead with two eyes like most everyone. Green.
I Had A Dream About Drowning
I had a dream that I tried to drown myself, and in doing so inhaled mouthful after mouthful of briny lake water. In my dream the water went through me like air and I could not die.
Night Watch
You are no insomniac
But a sentry, stationed here at night
Cigarette rifle and sweater uniform
Invisible Children
Invisible children, ours.
(Yours and mine.)
With chubby hands and invisible green
Three City Scenes
I just saw this happen, I swear. A white-haired man walked into the car and sat on a sleeping Korean man. Like sat on him, not halfway like he was trying to fit into a small adjacent space. There
A Dogfight
The boy clenched his teeth together until they creaked like old wood. His hands covered his ears and his eyes were shut tight. He sat on a hay bale, back to the plywood wall, bent over, head between knees. He was trying to create
On My Return
After ten minutes, my dog is happy to see me.
After a full day of work, there are chalk drawings on the sidewalk.
The dishes in the rack are dry.
A spider has begun a web in the corner of the window frame.